Our Goals

The Bridging Gaps Fostering Agency’s Statement of Purpose provides a range of information which is intended for a wide audience including:

  • Bridging Gaps Fostering Agency Staff

  • Foster Carers and Prospective Foster Carers

  • Children and Young People - who are placed with BGFA’s Foster Carers

  • Local Authorities / Health and Social Services Trusts - who place or are considering placing children and young people with BGFA’s Foster Carers

  • Colleagues from other Social Care Agencies

  • General Public

Bridging Gaps Fostering Agency’ works to and complies with the provisions of:

  • The Care Standards Act 2000

The Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011 The National Minimum Standards for Foster Care (revised 2011) Volume 4 the Children Act 1989 Guidance and Regulations: Fostering Services (revised 2011)

The Fostering Service Regulations 2011 stipulate that all fostering service providers must have a written Statement of Purpose (which must be provided to the Chief Inspector) and Children’s Guide which must be provided to the Chief Inspector, to each foster parent and to any child placed.

Bridging Gaps Fostering Agency is willing to undertake and be guided by the continually changing nature of child care. We are passionate about ensuring that we incorporate and develop the highest standard of practise across the organisation’s services and policies. The Statement of Purpose will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis, at least annually and modified as and if necessary.

Our Values

At Bridging Gaps Fostering Agency we focus all our efforts on the children and those who care for them.  Our values are built upon these two groups and everything we can do to help them.

  • Child focused

  • Keep children healthy and safe from harm

  • Be positive about children and young people

  • Put the needs of children and young people first

  • Raise awareness and develop strategies to prevent bullying

  • People are valued, respected and listened to

  • Children’s innate abilities are promoted, their achievements recognised and celebrated

  • Challenge discrimination and promote anti discriminatory practice at all times.

  • Ensure the child/ young persons views are heard

  • Recognise and value the work of staff and foster carers.

  • Support carers and help them meet required standards and demonstrate best practices in every aspect of their fostering career and also help them to ensure the same quality across the board.

  • Provide foster carers with demand led development and mentoring needs

  • Provide access to support 24 hours a day – everyday throughout the year.

Equality & Diversity

Bridging Gaps Fostering Agency is a Multi-Racial, Multi-Cultural and Multi-Faith organisation. We value and celebrate the diversity that exists amongst both the citizens within our local community and our workforce. As an organisation we want to ensure that everyone can fully participate in the social, cultural, political and economic life of all communities and beyond.

Bridging Gaps Fostering Agency opposes all forms of discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion and disability. We recognise that discrimination creates barriers to achieving equality for all people.

We are committed to working with our workforce and with everyone who uses our services, to develop and deliver high quality services which meet the needs of everyone.

Our Social Media pages:

Instagram: @bridginggapsfosteringagency

Twitter: @BridgingGapsFA

Facebook: Bridging Gaps Fostering Agency