Click the button below to download the upcoming event schedule...
Our Easter food bank drive in April 2024!
Our BGFA bowling event in Slough and Birmingham (February 2024) to help children and young people socialise, grow confidence, make friends and expand on their social skills.
Meet the Mayor of Slough Amjad Abbasi, and MP Tan Dhesi, spreading Christmas Cheer on the streets of Slough at our Child-to-Child event in December 2023..
Meet the team at BGFA’s Child-to-Child event
Our Fun day (Image taken in August 2021 at the Slough Cricket Grounds)
Fun and Games at our fun day (Image taken in August 2021 at the Slough Cricket Grounds)
Fun and Games! at our Fun Fair 2021
Our Child to Child event in December 2021 - Our children shared gifts and showed the meaning of sharing and caring with all children on Slough High Street
Gifts for all children! (our Child to Child event in Slough - High Street)
Child to Child Event - Slough High Street with special guests: MP: Tan Dhesi and Mayor Mohammed Nazir
Bournemouth Beach Trip - please click on the button above to see our current events and celebrations!